3月25日に死去した兄の49日の法要が5月4日に瑞浪市の正宗禅寺で行われ、瑞浪市の山間の墓地で納骨が行われた。納骨の前に 法要に参加した全員に住職から般若心経の説明がされた。般若心経の話しは直接には聞いていないものの 本など知識から 7世紀に中国の玄奘三蔵が印度から持ち帰った経典の超圧縮版と理解している。元はサンスクリット言語によるもので中国、朝鮮、日本に伝来する過程で我が国の現在の形になったようである。帰宅してから調べてみると玄奘三蔵が印度から持ち帰った経典の前の5世紀に中国華北の鳩磨羅什が印度から持ち帰ったものがあるらしい。さらに 聖書に新約と旧約があるように仏教経典にも玄奘三蔵の新訳と鳩磨羅什の旧訳があるらしい。現在はインターネットの時代であるので般若心経の梵語、中国語、タイ語の発声のみならず英語の発声も聞くことができる。英語のものに至っては殆ど音楽にしか聞こえない。仏教教祖は「森」で瞑想したことが知られており自然と一体となるを感得したのであろう。この中から般若心経の色即是空空即是色の実在を認めない思想が成立したのであろう。さて生者である我々は住職の読経の下で型式通りの納骨の儀を終えた後に場所を変えて岐阜県恵那市で会話や食事と入浴を済ませ解散した。
Cinerarium of 49 days
The Buddhist memorial service of 49 days of the older brother who died on March 25 was carried out in a sword Masamune temple belonging to the Zen sect of Mizunami-shi on May 4, and cinerarium was performed in a mountain graveyard of Mizunami-shi.Explanation of the Pajna-para-mita sutra was considered to be it from the chief priest to all the members who participated in a Buddhist memorial service before cinerarium.Direct , the story of the Pajna-para-mita sutra understands it with a super compression version of the sacred book which Chinese Xuangzang brought from the knowledge including the book of the thing which does not hear it from India in the seventh century .It seemed to become the form as of a thing of our country in a process transmitted with the thing by the Sanskrit language formerly in China, Korea, Japan.On investigation there seems to be the thing which Kumārajīva of the Chinese North China brought from India in the fifth century before the sacred book which Xuangzang high priest learned in three Sutras took home with Xuangzang high priest learned in three Sutras from India after coming home.Furthermore, the Buddhism sacred book seems to have an old promise of new contract and Kumārajīva of Xuangzang so that the Bible has a new contract and an old promise.I can hear Sanskrit of the Pajna-para-mita sutra, Chinese, not only the utterance of Thai but also English utterance now because it is the times of the Internet.It hardly sounds like only music to an English thing at all.It is known that the Buddhism founder meditated in "a forest", and oneself is united with nature. Thought not to accept the existence of the All is vanity All is relative of the Pajna-para-mita sutra from this would be concluded.By the way, after having finished the matter of the cinerarium according to model under the sutra-chanting of the chief priest, we who were living things changed a place, and finished a conversation and a meal and bathing in Ena-shi, Gifu and was dissolved.
Cinerarium von 49 Tagen
The Buddhist memorial service of 49 days of the older brother who died on March 25 was carried out in a sword Masamune temple belonging to the Zen sect of Mizunami-shi on May 4, and cinerarium was performed in a mountain graveyard of Mizunami-shi.Explanation of the Pajna-para-mita sutra was considered to be it from the chief priest to all the members who participated in a Buddhist memorial service before cinerarium.Direct , the story of the Pajna-para-mita sutra understands it with a super compression version of the sacred book which Chinese Xuangzang brought from the knowledge including the book of the thing which does not hear it from India in the seventh century .It seemed to become the form as of a thing of our country in a process transmitted with the thing by the Sanskrit language formerly in China, Korea, Japan.On investigation there seems to be the thing which Kumārajīva of the Chinese North China brought from India in the fifth century before the sacred book which Xuangzang high priest learned in three Sutras took home with Xuangzang high priest learned in three Sutras from India after coming home.Furthermore, the Buddhism sacred book seems to have an old promise of new contract and Kumārajīva of Xuangzang so that the Bible has a new contract and an old promise.I can hear Sanskrit of the Pajna-para-mita sutra, Chinese, not only the utterance of Thai but also English utterance now because it is the times of the Internet.It hardly sounds like only music to an English thing at all.It is known that the Buddhism founder meditated in "a forest", and oneself is united with nature. Gedacht ist nicht die Existenz vom All anzunehmen Eitelkeit, All ist vom Pajna-para-mita sutra davon verhältnismäßig, wäre concluded.By der Weg wir, nach beendend die Sache des cinerarium Modell zufolge unter dem Sutra-singen vom Hauptpriester, wem lebende Sachen eine Stelle verwandelt wurden, und beendete eine Konversation und eine Mahlzeit und das Baden darin Ena-shi, Gifu und wurde aufgelöst.